Mixed expert architecture (MoE) and multimodality

 cognitive center : this is the basis of the pioneering project in the field of artificial intelligence, on which I am working in collaboration with the structure that I manage. A project that involves continuous challenges and innovations, to be approached with new approaches both in terms of development and performance measurement. Let's take a closer look at what it's all about.

The cognitive hub: innovative coordination of models

What is a cognitive hub, which I could define as the heart of the project to which I am dedicated? This advanced infrastructure coordinates multiple AI models, acting as a conductor that integrates the different models for harmonious performance. . The management and distribution of workload between different AI models relies on advanced algorithms that determine the most efficient model for each specific task or context. This approach not only increases efficiency, but also allows unprecedented flexibility in adapting to a wide range of applications, from natural language understanding to complex image and data analysis .

Blend of Experts (MoE): A Breakthrough in Neural Network Architecture

One of the most relevant innovations is the adoption of the Blend of Experts (MoE) architecture . What are we talking about? Traditionally, neural models use a single network to process all types of data. However, the MoE is breaking this mold by adopting a modular and specialized approach . This system consists of a series of “experts,” each designed to handle specific types of data or tasks. An access network monitors and routes input data to the most qualified expert. This not only significantly increases the accuracy and quality of responses, but also optimizes processing times and the use of IT resources.

Multimodality and ME architecture

The MoE architecture has paved the way for multimodality or the ability to process and integrate inputs of different nature , such as text, audio, images and video. This is a considerable architectural challenge, requiring a balance between specialization and generalization. Our research in this area is guided by the belief that multimodality represents a crucial step towards the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), an AI system capable of learning, adapting and operating in a variety of contexts , similar to human intelligence.

Magiq: linguistic specialization for an Italian AI

During our journey, we have paid particular attention to the development of the LLM Magiq model , focusing on linguistic specificity. Recognizing that most existing AI models are based on predominantly English datasets, we chose to develop models that better capture the linguistic and cultural nuances of languages ​​like French and Italian . This allowed us to offer more precise, fluid and natural interactions, respecting the particularities of each language.

Direct Processing Optimization (DPO): a more efficient approach to model training

Training our LLM models required an innovative approach. We chose the technique Direct Processing Optimization (DPO) to overcome the challenges posed by the phenomenon of “hallucinations” of AI models, that is, the generation of false or misleading information. DPO directly integrates the reward model training process into the base model, thereby simplifying the process and improving efficiency compared to approaches such as RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback). This has allowed us to develop models that not only meet human needs, but do so with unprecedented resource efficiency.

Towards the future with artificial general intelligence

Looking to the future, we have a clear vision: we want to continue developing AI systems that not only excel at specific tasks, but are also capable of deeper understanding and adaptability. Our work focuses on how these systems can integrate different technologies and approaches into a single functional and intelligent architecture.


In conclusion, the project I am working on aims to redefine the possibilities of artificial intelligence. Through innovations such as MoE architecture, multimodal approach, language specialization and effective use of techniques such as DPO, my team and I are working to create a future in which AI not only assists the humanity, but collaborates with it in an increasingly sophisticated and intuitive way.
